When planning a date night, anniversary, birthday for your significant other, an evening away from the kids, in St. Louis, or anywhere why not do something different....
Date Night. It's what we do...
That is where we come in. We are in the business of making sure people have a good time. A restaurant just does it with food, a bar with drinks, and you can do that after, but we have all food, drinks, and a classy sexy show to spice things up no matter if it is your first date, or 50th wedding anniversary.
And it is so easy. One call and your done....
Pick a show and a date, whether it's the dinner show at 7 P.M. or the late night show at 10:30 P.M.
Call us on the phone, or buy tickets online.
Tell the person. (Make sure you ask them before buying tickets, unless it's a surprise...)
That day, show up ready to have a great time!!!
Date Night Can Be Easy
What you will get: A table for however many is in your party (whether a date for two, or you invited a few friends to join). You will have candles, a table cloth, a chair, and a romantic sexy good time. If you do the VIP options you will have shots, boas, glow sticks, hats, balloons, the celebration will be announced by the host...If there is a celebration, if not, make one up. It makes the announcements more fun. If you don't believe me see all of the 5-star reviews to prove it.
Date Night In St. Louis
Yes, this is REALLY in St. Louis... it can be so much fun!
Now, that you have us in your plans, you can decide if you want to do a day activity before, or a something after. After the Boom Boom, THEN you go bar hopping. Or home, but honestly, it is none of our business. We are the foreplay you need. And guarantee will be the best and most memorable part of your night. We celebrate lots of anniversaries, birthdays and more. We also have many stories were we were a person's first date, they got engaged here, and even had bachelor/bachelorette parties here.
Some Dos and Dont's for date night....
DON’T plan a date that you won’t enjoy. So, um, the
Boom Boom! The goal of the date is mutual fun.
Turn off the phone
when on date night.
DO turn off your damn phone. I know. I know. It suuuuuuuuuuucks to have to actively listen to the person you love talk without simultaneously having the Chris Rock parody Twitter account beamed directly into your face.
DON’T just pick dinner. Get dinner and a show. Dinner is the bare minimum. Or if you do pick dinner, make it a point to try someplace different. Like The Boom Boom Room.
And in general, DO listen when your partner seems interested in something. Ask her, she will say YES, to the Boom Boom Room. And you will have plenty of time before the show starts, after then, get ready to watch and laugh. Men are notoriously bad at hints, I know, I know. So listen for sentences like, “We should totally do that sometime!” THAT’S THE HINT. Open the Notes app of your phone and start jottin’, Steve from Blues Clues, ‘cause you’re about to solve the mystery of where your date wants to go. Men have a plan, here is one that will impress her.
DO NOT bring your best friend along. Unless you're THAT kind of couple. Then, what happens at the Boom Boom Room STAYS at the Boom Boom Room. There is a time and a place to have "Hank" chill with you guys, or girls, and it is not on your well-planned date. Unless again you that-kind of... You get the idea. "Hank" can find someone else to drink mezcal with for a few hours. Don’t worry so much about "Hank."
Get Excited
DO leave your house for the date. Whoever said you can’t go home again is a big fat liar, because you can always come back home after the date. You probably spend most of your non-work time at home. Let home be. Go out. Breathe some fresh air.
DO something silly or childish. The thought (and the follow through) is really what counts. Honestly, you could ask someone to dress up very formally and then take them to Taco Bell. Remember that sense of humor you bragged about having on Tinder all those years ago? Use it. Most of all, have fun, be original. Experience new things.